Surviving the Coronapocalypse with Nicely Fit Co

Last week we discussed the Coronavirus; what we are doing in consideration, and what you can do. We stand by what we said last week: until we are directed otherwise by the CDC, NY State, or NYC, we will continue operating as normal, albeit with a stepped up cleaning regimen and increased vigilance. Please exercise proper judgement and don’t come in if you’re feeling under the weather, please wash your hands, and use the sanitizer provided.

That being said, COVID-19 is here and CVS is out of toilet paper. We’re living in the end times and I can’t even wipe my ass!

There is no bleach. There is no hand sanitizer. Tylenol is nowhere to be found. Lysol Wipes? Gone. Businesses are sending out contingency plans, and employees are being briefed on their work from home policies. The CDC says one thing, the White House says something completely different.

In these anxious, confusing, and trying times, let us not lose sight of our humanity. Don’t go out and panic buy every bottle of Purell you can find. Don’t go buy up every bottle of Tylenol at your local store so you can sell them on Ebay. In short, keep your head on straight and don’t be a jerk.

Things could and likely will get worse before they get better, but this doesn’t mean we need to panic.

Now is the time to focus on what matters; your health (mental, emotional, and physical), your loved ones, and your community. You’ll hear on the news stories of panic, with talking heads pontificating all the ways things can go wrong. And sure, there’s some measure of truth to that, but at the end of the day, we will all get through this.

Now is a time to reach out to friends, family, and neighbors who are in high risk demographics such as the elderly or immunocompromised, and make sure they are adequately prepared. Talk to your parents about maybe limiting travel or exposure to large groups if they’re getting up there in age.

You’ll want to make sure you are managing your stress. People are freaking out, the news is sounding the alarm, and things are a little scary. That doesn’t mean you have to get caught up in it too. Get plenty of sleep. Make sure you stay hydrated. Exercise.

Exercise will help, and no, this isn’t us being biased. Exercise boosts your immune system and will help keep your mind at ease. If we can’t keep our doors open for whatever reason, we will figure out a way to keep you moving better, feeling stronger, and living nicely from the comfort of your quarantine zone, should things come to that.

Wash your hands, and practice good hygiene. Make sure you have a well stocked pantry of essentials, but you probably don’t need a pallet of canned tomatoes. Enough dry goods like beans, rice, and pasta; hardy items like onions, apples, squashes, and some frozen veggies and meat to get you through 2 weeks is probably a smart move, but don’t go crazy.

Perhaps there is a silver lining to all of this. I’ve been working on the next wave of articles on finding your purpose, mission, and vision, but with the grand opening, open house, and doomsday prepping, I just couldn’t find the time. I’m sure I’m not alone. This could very well be a great opportunity for us all to slow down and take stock of what matters. A forced moment of collective self reflection, if you will.

We are all working too hard. All the time running around, stressing out, not getting enough sleep, and not taking care of ourselves. If your company makes you work from home do yourself a favor and meditate, do some yoga, or read a book. Read a book that you’ve been meaning to read and couldn’t find the time for. Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while. Draw. Write. Paint. Sing. Consider what you’ve been focused on, and consumed with. Is it working for you? It’s amazing what a few days of unplugging can do. Now is a fantastic time to revisit that whole purpose, mission, vision thing.

Take a moment to stop and smell the roses, though the protective filter of a 3M N95 particulate respirator, of course. Find something to make you happy so you don’t go nuts.

These are really great rules to live by every day. Sometimes it takes a pandemic to see what truly matters in life.

Stay healthy out there folks!