Nicely Fit Co.

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Move Better, Feel Stronger, Live Nicely

Movement, Strength, and Living Nicely - Nicely Fit Co’s underlying philosophy.

Move Better

Move better and move often! Movement improves mood, helps you sleep, and reduces stress and risk for chronic disease. Our goal is to help our clients identify activities that they can pursue that get them moving often and in healthy ways. Nicely Fit Co stresses a high frequency of quality movement and uses the FRC system along with other scientifically guided principles to improve body control, flexibility, mobility, and joint health. An object in motion stays in motion, and our team will get you moving. Whether it means coming in for one-on-one training, semi-private training, our group classes, or just getting out and walking, biking, hiking, or jogging, we will work with you to get you moving and keep you moving often.

Feel Stronger

Nicely Fit Co views strength training to be an essential element of building a healthy body and lifestyle. No matter your age or fitness level, incorporating strength training into your day will have a significant positive impact. It isn’t just for big guys pushing heavy weights in the gym. It is for everyone; men, women, young, and old. You don’t have to bench hundreds of pounds, and you won’t get bulky and look like the hulk (unless you want to). That’s the beauty of strength training progressively with a coach. We will get you on a program that is appropriate for your abilities and goals.

The benefits of strength training go beyond just building muscle tissue and looking better in the mirror. Just do a quick google search on the benefits and you will quickly conclude that you can’t go wrong with getting strong. To save you time, here is a list of some of the major benefits:

  • Preserve and enhance muscle mass

  • Preserve and enhance metabolic rate

  • Increased bone density

  • Improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity

  • Improves ability to engage in daily activities

  • Improves self-esteem

  • Decreases bad cholesterol levels

  • Decreases blood pressure

  • Improves overall body composition

  • Lowers risk of Injury

Nicely Fit Co. will teach you how to be strong and resilient. You will learn how to progressively and systematically load foundational movement patterns and become the strongest you have ever been. A strong body is a healthy body. Couple strength training with high quality, frequent movement and you have a recipe for success. Anyone can do this, and we’re here to help.

Live Nicely

When you’re moving better and feeling stronger, you’re going to feel good. But no matter how much you’re moving, lifting, and working out with Nicely Fit Co, life happens. Work, family, stress, we get it. It’s all about mindset, the systems you’ve put in place, the tools you’ve acquired, and the community you’re a part of that will get you through the rough patches.

This is where Living Nicely comes in. It’s not just about trusting the process, it’s about OWNING THE PROCESS! Living Nicely is when you have the proper mindset and you are in control of your nutrition and basic needs including sleep and stress management. It’s when you can take the rough stuff life throws at you and keep moving forward. It’s when you have created a solid middle ground for yourself and you know when to dial it up to achieve desired goals and maintain when you need to.

We work with our clients to develop healthy habits for managing stress, sleep, eating, and all the other little things that go into establishing a healthy baseline. We help you put systems in place for all of this. Whether it is through regular check ins on our app to just ask how you’re doing, or working with you to track your food intake, sleep, and water, we’re with you every step of the way. Need to work on stress management? We will hook you up for some yoga and meditation. Need help with food? We can get you working with a top notch nutritionist. We’ll help you put systems in place to maintain a healthy life and we will make sure you have the tools to keep it going.

Finally, Living Nicely requires connection. Our goal is for Nicely Fit Co to be a community, not just some gym you work out at. Even with the best mindset, systems, tools and all, we’re still social creatures, and we can’t go it alone. This is a big reason we put so much emphasis on group classes and semi-private training.

Having a hard time? We want to hear about it. We want you to feel comfortable sharing that with us, and we will do what we can to help. Excited about something new in your life? We want to hear about that too! Have an idea about a trip, an activity? Let us know! Is there someone you find inspiring and want to organize an event? We’re all for that.

Living Nicely is all about building connections, creating a community, and fostering the conditions for a sustainably healthy life. Our job is to facilitate that process.